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Chester County Travel Basketball Alliance

Chester County Travel Basketball Alliance


Below is a list of all the forms that need to be submitted by each organization on behalf of their team/teams. 

1.       Copy of proper insurance covering their organization. Team Documents required

2.       CCTBA Roster Form- All players must be listed.

3.       Medical Release Per Player- All players must complete a medical release or they may not participate.

4.       Birth Certificates for each player

5.       CCTBA Grade Exception- Maximum of 3 grade exceptions per team.

6.       CCTBA Scheduling Template

7.       CCTBA Background Affirmation Letter (MANDATORY or teams will forfeit)





CCTBA Insurance Requirements

    • CCTBA member organizations must provide a copy of proper insurance covering their organization.
    • CCTBA member organizations must include a rider naming CCTBA as an additional insured to policy.


The CCTBA Grade Waiver form must be completed and attached to each player’s birth certificate that is competing under the grade waiver rule. 

CCTBA Grade Waiver Form

Coaches Background Check Affirmation

All coaches need to have their clearances on file and up to date. Each organization will submit one form with all coaches on it. 

CCTBA Affirmation Form

Individual Medical Forms

Each player will be required to submit the following document to the league:

CCTBA Medical Release


(Only our template is acceptable)

8 dates need to be provided only 6 will be used. Two of the dates must be during the week.

CCTBA Schedule Template


Chester County Travel Basketball Alliance

Email: [email protected]

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